Friday, July 11, 2008

2.4 Declarations, Constants and Enumerations

As we have already seen, variables have to be declared before they can be used in a program, using program statements such as float number;
Between this statement and the first statement which assigns "number" an explicit value, the value contained in the variable "number" is arbitrary. But in C++ it is possible (and desirable) to initialise variables with a particular value at the same time as declaring them. Hence we can write double PI = 3.1415926535;
Furthermore, we can specify that a variable's value cannot be altered during the execution of a program with the reserved word "const":


Constants of type "int" may also be declared with an enumeration statement. For example, the declaration enum { MON, TUES, WED, THURS, FRI, SAT, SUN };
is shorthand for const int MON = 0;
const int TUES = 1;
const int WED = 2;
const int THURS = 3;
const int FRI = 4;
const int SAT = 5;
const int SUN = 6;
By default, members of an "enum" list are given the values 0, 1, 2, etc., but when "enum" members are explicitly initialised, uninitialised members of the list have values that are one more than the previous value on the list: enum { MON = 1, TUES, WED, THURS, FRI, SAT = -1, SUN };
In this case, the value of "FRI" is 5, and the value of "SUN" is 0.

Where to put Constant and Variable Declarations
Generally speaking, it is considered good practice to put constant declarations before the "main" program heading, and variable declarations afterwards, in the body of "main". For example, the following is part of a program to draw a circle of a given radius on the screen and then print out its circumference:(There is no need to type in this program) #include
using namespace std;

const float PI = 3.1415926535;
const float SCREEN_WIDTH = 317.24;

int drawCircle(float diameter); /* this is a "function prototype" */

int main()
float radius = 0;

cout << "Type in the radius of the circle.\n";
cin >> radius;

drawCircle(radius * 2);

cout << "The circumference of a circle of radius " << radius;
cout << " is approximately " << 2 * PI * radius << ".\n";
return 0;

int drawCircle(float diameter)
float radius = 0;

if (diameter > SCREEN_WIDTH)
radius = SCREEN_WIDTH / 2.0;
radius = diameter / 2.0;
After the definition of "main()", this program includes a definition of the function "drawCircle(...)", the details of which need not concern us here (we can simply think of "drawCircle(...)" as a function like "sqrt(...)"). But notice that although both "main()" and "drawCircle(...)" use the identifier "radius", this refers to a different variable in "main()" than in "drawCircle(...)". Had a variable "radius" been declared before the "main" program heading, it would have been a public or global variable. In this case, and assuming there was no other variable declaration inside the function "drawCircle(...)", if "drawCircle(...)" had assigned it the value "SCREEN_WIDTH / 2.0", "main()" would have subsequently printed out the wrong value for the circumference of the circle. We say that the (first) variable "radius" is local to the main part of the program, or has the function main as its scope. In contrast, it usually makes sense to make constants such as "PI" and "SCREEN_WIDTH" global, i.e. available to every function.
In any case, notice that the program above incorporates the safety measure of echoing the input. In other words, the given value of "radius" is printed on the screen again, just before the circumference of the circle is output.